Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Border Toward Which I Ran

Taco Bell is the cheesecake of fast-food. It tastes damn good... but only in moderation.

One slice of cheesecake is divine. But: Have you ever eaten a whole cake in one sitting? My old roommate knows what I'm talking about.

Similarly, a soft taco with a layer of Fire sauce is a lovely thing.
So, too, is a warm, gooey Meximelt.
I'm also a fan of the new Beefy 5-layer Burrito.

I mean, look at that thing! Seasoned beef, refried beans, sour cream, melted cheese... and then more nacho cheese sauce around a layer of soft tortilla! All for, holy Sam Shepard, less than 90 cents. I don't care what you say or what your food inclinations are... that's a miracle in your mouth.

The problem isn't eating any one of these individually. The problem, sadly, is what happens when you eat these sequentially, in one sitting, with (yep) small dollops of sour cream from your fridge.

Do you hear that, too? My stomach is spouting obscenities at me. Cover your ears, kiddies. Them be bad words my tummy is rumblin'.


Michelle @ One of a Kind Wisconsin said...

No Noo ooooooo Don't blog about Taco Bell, let them advertise for themselves. I ate fish tonight, I am trying to be healthy and I don't want to think about Taco Bell or 7-11 nachos or cheese whiz or any other sort of cheesy crap I didn't eat tonight. :o)

noor said...

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